
Creamy Potato Bake

This post is for Sasha xx With the onset of Spring and now the warm lazy days of Summer, everyone dusts off the BBQ and looks for easy, delicious dishes to accompany the meat ingredients. This recipe has long been one of my favourites and I can't tell you how many times I've been asked… Continue reading Creamy Potato Bake


Basil, Tomato and Garlic Sauce

This week has been a bit of a crazy one, so I haven't been able to bake ANYTHING and I'm starting to feel withdrawal symptoms!  I've even had to rely on my very versatile tomato sauce for dinner, which is one of my favourite standbys and is delicious on pizza bases, hot dogs, or even… Continue reading Basil, Tomato and Garlic Sauce

Bread, Soup

Roast Pumpkin Soup with Nutty Yoghurt Bread

Today was the perfect day for hearty comfort food. Opening the fridge the first ingredients I laid my eyes on were half a pumpkin and a bottle of cream - the decision was made: Creamy Roast Pumpkin and Garlic Soup with home baked bread. My husband's first words after tasting the soup were "Rich, but… Continue reading Roast Pumpkin Soup with Nutty Yoghurt Bread