Cake Sale / School Fete / Church Bazaar, Fudge, Slices, Sweets

Easy Microwave Vanilla Fudge

I've always had a love/hate relationship with fudge because when you get it right, it's fantastic, but when you get it wrong, it still tastes good, but soft or runny fudge just doesn't have the same appeal. And because I still haven't splashed out and bought myself a sugar thermometer, I honestly can't be bothered… Continue reading Easy Microwave Vanilla Fudge

Baking, Cakes, Tea Time

Lime Sour Cream Cake

One of my lovely friends has a lime tree and she very kindly gave me a bucketful of limes, which is a real treat as they cost an arm and a leg in the shops. So the only thing to be done was to set about baking, and a light citrus tea cake with Chantilly… Continue reading Lime Sour Cream Cake

Baking, Chocolate, Lunch-box Ideas, Muffins, Picnic, School Holidays

Banana Choc Chip Muffins

Term 1 has flown by and was quite a shock to the system with the volume of homework increasing from primary school, settling into a new school, an earlier start time and a later finish, new routines. Plus making time for all the extra mural activities...and that's just me! Let alone my poor child! But… Continue reading Banana Choc Chip Muffins

Family fun, Kids, Life, Reviews

Holiday happenings

Another lovely weekend is coming to an end as I sit and type this post. It's been a busy week and although I love short work weeks, it adds a little extra pressure to get everything done that needs doing. I have a great relationship with my boss. I used to work for her husband… Continue reading Holiday happenings

Easter, Picnic, School Holidays, Sweets, Tea Time, Uncategorized

Peppermint Crisp Chocolate Log

This little post has apparently had 190 views in the past week! So I thought I’d share it again. Not my recipe, but very tasty indeed. Gosh, 4 years flew by. I think it’s time to make it again. Leave your thought/comments if you made it and what you think.

I have to be honest and admit I’ve only made this once, but it has got to be just about the easiest non-baked treat I’ve come across. A friend recently shared the original link on Facebook (you can follow Chocolate Goose on Facebook at and it looked so delicious I had to give it a go. It didn’t last very long either so it will definitely be made again, and again, and again…you get the picture ;).

If you can’t find Peppermint Crisp chocolate bars (they hail from South Africa and we are lucky to be able to get them from a few SA shops in Auckland), then perhaps peppermint Aero or any delicious minty chocolate might do the trick.

Peppermint Crisp Log

I also realise this has nothing to do with Easter, and although I was planning on doing another Easter themed treat, this log got the better of me so please…

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Auckland, Let's chat, Life, Travel

Final ‘Yoga on the Beach’ today – Summer is officially over

This Summer I've had the pleasure of enjoying a free Saturday morning yoga class held at Stanmore Bay Reserve. To understand what a reserve is, you need to understand "Kiwi"'s a park or area of green space set aside for sport and recreational activities. This particular reserve has the soccer fields, a park for the… Continue reading Final ‘Yoga on the Beach’ today – Summer is officially over

Auckland, Let's chat, Life

The Important Things

Yesterday I learned that one of the little 4 year olds in the centre where I work has been diagnosed with bone cancer. Devastating. My first thought was Why? Why does someone at the beginning of their young life need to go through this? Why should her parents have their lives turned upside down and… Continue reading The Important Things

Auckland, Life, Restaurant reviews

Happy Auckland Anniversary Weekend

Happy Anniversary Auckland, the beautiful little city that has crept into our hearts. This weekend we've enjoyed some of the best weather so far this Summer, with the temperature being 25°C at 10.25pm on Saturday night. We were in the city to watch the harbour bridge being lit up but as we'd spent the earlier… Continue reading Happy Auckland Anniversary Weekend

Let's chat, Life

Progress is impossible without Change

Hello Friends! I've got so much to share but don't know where to begin. It's been a while since I actually sat down with my laptop to write anything and I've missed it terribly, but time has been very scarce and I'm sad to say, my priorities have been forced to shift over the last… Continue reading Progress is impossible without Change

Let's chat, Life, Travel

My Top-10 pre-holiday checklist

I was lucky to be able to take a two-week holiday over Christmas and New Year this year; between ending one job and beginning the new one but it was just the right length of time to be able to enjoy being together as a family both at home as well as squeezing in two mini-breaks out of Auckland,… Continue reading My Top-10 pre-holiday checklist